Teaching during a global pandemic has me feeling overwhelmed, and using essential oils for stress has helped tremendously. But it’s not just right now, many times throughout my teaching career I’ve had the need to destress and step back and take care of myself. That’s where essential oils come in! There are many essential oils for stress relief. To learn more about how I could use essential oils for stress and help with my overall well-being I’ve turned to my teacherpreneur friend Chanty Macias. Chanty knows all about essential oils, self-care, and living your healthiest and best life. Read on to learn more about what Chanty has to say on promoting teacher wellness by using essential oils for stress.

How often do you get home, take your shoes off, sit on your sofa and just exhale? It seems like the common thing to do, right? I know I used to do the same after what felt like nonstop exhausting days. Teaching is not for the faint of heart.
It’s true, but do we really need to subject ourselves to the tiredness, sleep deprivation and anxiety that often comes with the job? Of course not! For years, this was my norm as a Kindergarten teacher. My routines pretty much looked the same everyday and as usual, I would have constant migraines and lose sleep thinking about what my students needed, their home environments, grading papers, lesson planning… it was never ending. The crazy part is that so many of those issues were not in my control.
Eventually, the migraines became so strong that I would lose sight in my eyes and couldn’t function for 3 days straight. After going to a few doctors, they wanted to prescribe me at least 3 different medications. I, however, began seeking natural remedies for migraines, sleep and emotional support.
One day, I came across a company named Young Living and my life changed forever. I read that they make essential oils and these oils can help support you in many ways.

So, what exactly are essential oils and how do they work?
Essential oils are highly concentrated extracts from plants, flowers, trees, seeds and roots. They are obtained by distillation, extraction and cold pressing and are free of harmful chemical processes. When used correctly, essential oils can help support you in your health and wellness journey.
How can teachers use them in their everyday life?
Due to the nature of our job, we experience stress, sleep deprivation, anxiety and more every single day. Essential oils contain properties that can help support your body, mind and emotions in positive ways.
For example, when you diffuse Peace & Calming and Lavender (YL essential oils), it creates a soothing and calm environment. You can also roll on Valor for confidence or diffuse any citrus oil for an instant uplifting mood. You can diffuse these oils in your classroom or at home. Young Living essential oils are nontoxic, 100% therapeutic grade and safe for children and pets.
Here are a few ways you can use essential oils:
- Topically: roll on your body in various places according to the area in need
- Aromatically: diffuse them in an oil diffuser or place desired drops on the palm of your hand, cup your nose and mouth and inhale
- Ingesting: use Vitality oils to support your digestive, nervous, immune, circulatory and other systems in your body
The best essential oils for combating stress, fatigue and anxiety are those found in the Premium Starter Kit. This kit contains a diffuser of your choice, 12 essential oils (a variety of citrus, floral and woodsy oils selected for emotional support) and more.
Teacher wellness is something we should all be striving for. We may not be in control of our stressors, but we can certainly control what we do about them.
Questions about this kit? Check out my Oily FAQs page here.
If you’re interested in learning more about how essential oils can help you get stress relief or alleviate any other area in need, please send me a message at chanty@chantymacias.com or on Instagram @chanty.macias.
I look forward to helping you claim your best life, my friend! – Chanty
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