Have you ever thought of selling your teaching resources? There are several places to sell teaching resources, one of the most popular places is Teachers Pay Teachers.
You are probably already creating activities to use in your classroom but you are not sure how to sell teaching resources online! Lots of teachers have decided to sell their teaching resources online and I’m so glad that I made that choice too.
Become a Teacher-Author

When you decide to become a Teacher-Author selling teaching resources the possibilities are endless. Sure, you can passively post resources to sell when you make something you want to share. You can sell your teaching resources and turn it into a legit Teacher-Author side hustle. You may even aspire to be a full time Teacher-Author and replace your teaching salary with your income from selling your teaching resources online. The possibilities are endless. But there is one thing you need to do first. You need to start!
But where do I start? What do I do first? I don’t know how to sell teaching resources online! I hear you! I’ve been there! I’ve got you! To help you get started I’ve put together product brainstorming worksheets. (Totally Free) Grab them here!
To make money selling teaching resources think about what you already do as a teacher. I was already creating my own lessons and activities to do with my students. I was creating centers, bulletin boards, math crafts, comprehension activities, classroom decor, day long and week long classroom transformations, and many other things. This was a natural fit because I’ve already been making these things. Next step… selling teaching resources I’ve already created on Teachers Pay Teachers.
Here’s Where to Start Selling Resources

When I am creating and selling teaching resources I always start with a brainstorm. I like to map out my idea. What will this resource include? What will this resource look like? I also like to keep a running brainstorm-list of my teaching resource ideas, so when inspiration hits or I have some time to sit down and create teaching resources to sell I have a list to look back on.
I’ve made some product brainstorming worksheets to help you organize your ideas for selling teaching resources. Grab the teacher product brainstorming worksheets here! I’d love to help you get started on your Teacher-Author journey!
Want to learn more about starting your journey as a Teacher-Author? Check out this post!